MJWN Est. 1998

Michael Inspires Homeless Man

Edmonton resident, Robert L’Hirondelle was at a pivotal point in his life when Michael’s song, ‘Man in the Mirror,’ turned his world around. L’Hirondelle explains; “I moved out when I was 16, but everything started to spiral out of control at the age of 20.” He was sitting in a coffee shop after breaking his probation for a third time. He was homeless, and in addition to that, had been caught drinking in the local library. Whilst he was sat in the coffee shop he explains; “I heard ‘Man in the Mirror’ playing overhead on the radio and it was just right at that line when Michael’s like, ‘Take a look at yourself and make a change.’ That one line just clicked within me. After I finished my coffee I went to the bathroom and physically took a look at the man in the mirror and I just did not like what I saw. It was a beaten down, rugged young man who should be exploring life’s many wonders and opportunities, but here I am choosing this high risk lifestyle of drinking and living on the street and putting my own personal health at risk.”

L’Hirondelle then went and bought a black blazer-like dress shirt some black and white rhinestones and learnt some of Michael’s move from YouTube.

Since this time L’Hirondelle has performed more than one hundred shows performing as Michael, but sadly has also had to battle cancer three times too.

To read L’Hirondelle’s full story, please click here.

Source: Global News & MJWN

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Dirty Diana
Dirty Diana
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