MJWN Est. 1998

Share Your Memories Of ‘Dangerous’

One of the great things about Michael’s fan community is the diversity of its members. The Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music are considering showcasing some of that diversity in an upcoming newsletter dedicated solely to the fans’ memories about ‘Dangerous’ and are asking you to share the below request with all of the members of your community:

Perhaps, you remember where you were when you first heard (or bought) Michael’s ‘Dangerous’ album. Maybe you don’t remember when you first heard it, but the songs bring up specific special memories for you when you listen. Anyone who has a story that he/she would like to share with the larger Michael Jackson family in a MichaelJackson.com newsletter, please email the MJOnline Team your story directly to be considered for inclusion in this special edition of the newsletter dedicated to fan stories. In addition, anyone sending their story should also confirm in their email that he/she is granting The Estate and Sony permission to share their stories in the newsletter. No more than a first name and location will be included in the newsletter as to protect the privacy of the fans.

We look forward to hearing your stories and sharing your memories!

Source: MJ Online Team & MJWN

Song of the week

You Rock My World
You Rock My World
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