MJWN Est. 1998

25 Most Stylish Celebrities Of The 80s

Complex.com has nominated Michael Jackson as Number One in the list of the ‘Top 25 Most Stylish Celebrities Of The 80s,’ and naming ‘King Of Pop’ as his occupation!!!!

They had this to say about him:

1.Michael Jackson

Occupation: King of Pop.
Claim to fame: ‘Thriller;’ ‘Bad.’

We won’t even talk about the music. MJ debuted a new, equally iconic look in the accompanying videos for each of his chart-topping singles. And even if you watched each video a hundred times, photos of the King of Pop in between performances, prove he wasn’t just grandstanding for the cameras – the swag was always on royal status. This is the real way that you wanted to be like Mike.

Here you can see the entire list.

Source: complex.com & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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