MJWN Est. 1998

MJ v RP In Vanity Fair Contest

Come on guys keep voting for Michael in the Vanity Fair vote for favourite magazine cover!!!!!

Left: Michael Jackson’s December 1989 cover; right: Robert Pattinson’s April 2011 cover.


Because of the overwhelming response to Vanity Fair’s century-spanning cover contest—a competition in which you can rank your favorite magazine covers—we’ve extended voting until Friday, November 22. As of today, Michael Jackson’s December 1989 cover and Robert Pattinson’s April 2011 cover lead the pack with 46,657 votes and 45,613 votes, respectively. Both were photographed by Vanity Fair contributing photographer Annie Leibovitz.

So far, legions of fans have campaigned for their favorites throughout the competition. What’s at stake? One lucky voter will win a stay at the London Edition hotel, while the subject of the reigning cover will be treated to a special photo retrospective on VF.com.

Browse through hundreds of choices here, and be sure to vote for your favorite. Remember, voting ends next Friday!

Keep voting for Michael’s superb cover – let’s show Michael rules!!!!!!!!

Source: Vanity Fair & MJWN

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