MJWN Est. 1998

Michael’s Despair

In the book ‘A Life for Love’ is the following statement by Seth Riggs, Michael’s Voice Coach:-

“After the horrible events of 2005 (Trial), I worked with him on ‘This Is It’ as well. Michael was terribly loyal and so we were basically the same old crew: Karen Faye used to do his hair, Michael Bush did his clothing and I worked his voice. But then I left the project.

I told Michael: “Mike, they offer me less money than they did twenty years ago. They want me to take less salary that buys two thirds less of what it used to buy. They are doing it with everybody.”

He said: “I know, they’re taking away all the people that I know and that I’m comfortable with. My security blanket is disappearing. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I can’t sleep.”


Source: A Life For L.O.V.E. & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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