MJWN Est. 1998

Michael Jackson As Spiderman

Stan Lee has said that Michael had discussed his plans with him to produce the ‘Spiderman’ movie and Lee believes that Michael wanted to play the superhero.

“I had been to his place in Neverland. He wanted to do Spider-Man,” Lee said. “I’m not sure whether he just wanted to produce it or wanted to play the role. Our conversation never got that far along.”

When Lee was asked if he felt that Michael wanted to play the title role he said; “I suspect so.” He added; “He thought I’d be the one who could get him the rights (to the ‘Spiderman’ movie), and I told him I couldn’t. He would have to go to the Marvel company, but we did become friendly, and he was a great guy!”

Lee added that he and Michael were planning to buy comic publisher Marvel jointly in the late 1990s, but the deal fell through. “We had met a number of times. In fact, he came to my house once with his son, and I remember my wife took care of his son for about an hour while Michael and I were talking, He was quite a good father. He was very solicitous, and he cared very much for the boy.”

Source: Telegraph.co.uk & MJWN

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