MJWN Est. 1998

“Made Me Think Of Michael”

Paula in Australia has sent us a small report from a Janet Jackson concert she attended last night.

Last night on the 22nd October, 2011, Janet Jackson was in town here in Australia and I had the pleasure of seeing her perform live in concert. I thought it would be a welcome relief from the trial and the toll it was having on me, like it would be having on so many other MJ fans. I was wrong though in assuming that, as it made me think of Michael all the more.

Don’t misunderstand me, it was a great night and Janet gave an awesome performance, she rocked the house, but it only took a couple of songs into the concert and along came the tears. Through her mannerisms and those beautiful big brown piercing eyes of hers, I caught glimpses of Michael.

As part of the VIP package, one was also privileged to see some of Janet’s private and personal items on display. There were amongst some of her possessions a few framed photos of her with Michael that caught my eye. My favourite was an animated one. I was a little overwhelmed by it all and forgot to ask, whether Michael had possibly drawn it for her. Either way it had an impact on me. But the biggest impact was knowing that Michael would never be able to perform with his baby sister Janet again, ‘Miss Rhythm Nation’ as he once called her.

Then when pictures of Michael with Janet appeared and flashed on the big screen, well that was enough to make you wanna ‘SCREAM.’

Thank you to Janet for bringing us close to Michael again, even if for just a while.

I miss you Michael.

Source: Paula Katsikas/MJWN


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Stranger in Moscow
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