MJWN Est. 1998

More Doctors Face Charges

Michael ‘s doctor, accused of killing Michael with a powerful anesthetic, has joined a small but growing number of U.S. physicians facing criminal charges over their handling of prescription drugs.

Medical negligence cases in the United States are typically handled in civil court, with the victim or victim’s family seeking money damages from the doctor.

In the case of Michael’s doctor, Conrad Murray, prosecutors allege his negligence was so extreme that he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and punished with prison time.

Prosecutors allege Murray breached the standard of care when he administered the anesthetic to Michael at home and that his gross negligence caused his death.

Fatal overdoses from prescription painkillers more than tripled to 13,800 in the United States in 1999 through 2006, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Consequently, more doctors are finding themselves in the sights of prosecutors as states like Florida and Georgia confront the growth in abuse of prescription drugs. The prosecution of doctors is seen as more effective than bringing cases against their patients. To read more about this, please click here

Source: Reuters & MJWN

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