MJWN Est. 1998

Map-Seller Sued

The owners of the home Michael was renting when he died in 2009 are suing a woman who sells maps of Beverly Hills’ celebrity estates outside their property.

Hubert and Roxanne Guez claim Linda Welton’s booming street-side map business is stopping them from selling the North Carolwood Drive home.

In court documents obtained by TMZ they write, “Potential buyers are bothered upon approach by the quite visible and annoying constant illegal stopping and/or parking of cars in front of the home on what otherwise would be a quiet residential street.”

The Guezes claim the property value has plummeted because of the stream of traffic, Welton’s lawn chair, coolers and large patio umbrella, and the illegally parked cars. They also allege Linda is violating the law by essentially having a newsstand on a street corner. The map seller insists her mother has already won a lawsuit giving her the right to sell the maps.

Source: contactmusic & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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