MJWN Est. 1998

Gifts For Prince & Paris

Michael’s two oldest children, Prince and Paris, have each been given a gift they won’t be able to use for years…A motorcycle decorated with images of their father.

A side view of one of the powerful looking bikes shows Michael in various poses. From front to end in every available space, his face is shown with one shot of him in his trademark sunglasses, while in the others he strikes a more regal pose.

The front view of the cycle, using the windshield visor as a canvas, shows Michael in his younger Jackson 5 days, with a shot of him sitting in what appears to be a throne. His recognisable afro marks the historic time of the photos, long before he moved on to sport a longer and flowing hairstyle.

Source: MTV & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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