MJWN Est. 1998

Legendary Music Icon

The last century saw some of the most amazing musical legends of all time.

If you had to choose one legendary music icon, who would that be? Who had the biggest influence or the greatest talent, in your opinion? Who will never get old? Who will live forever through their music? Voting is open until next Thursday.

The current top five singers are Michael, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon and Frank Sinatra.
As Michael’s fans, of course for us, there is no contest; we know who is the greatest, and who deserves the title.
Tell, inrumor.com who is your favorite all-time music legend and why you admire him, how has his music influenced you and what you think makes them unique.
Who is the best all-time music legend?

Here is the voting so far with Michael in the lead!

Michael Jackson    86%
Elvis Presley            5%
Freddie Mercury      4%
John Lennon           4%
Frank Sinatra          1%

To check out what is being said about Michael and the others in the top five, please click here

Source: inrumor.com & MJWN, with thanks to Paul

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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