MJWN Est. 1998

Kenny Wizz Review

On January 20th we told you about a show in Perth, Western Australia, ‘HIStory – This Is It,’ starring Kenny Wizz from Las Vegas.

It seems he has now moved onto South Africa, as we have received a review sent in by Aimee, who saw the show and had a wonderful time!

Here’s what she said:

“Hi there – regarding your advert for ‘HIStory This is it,’ with Kenny Wizz …… it is currently showing in S.A and I went to see it last Saturday. I must just tell you that it is absolutely brilliant. Kenny really pays respect to the Michael Jackson legacy! There were times when I allowed myself to imagine it was really Michael performing. But be warned!!! Take some tissues along, I cried my eyes out in ‘Gone Too Soon.’  :( …….I have already made up my mind that I am going to watch in again before he leaves S.A – It really is an amazing show and any MJ fan will love it. Well done Kenny Wizz………and Michael – I L.O.V.E you with all my heart and soul!!!!!!!!”

Wow, praise indeed!

Source: Aimee C. South Africa, & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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