MJWN Est. 1998

Discovery Channel Drops Autopsy Documentary

After receiving hundreds of complaints from Michael’s fans and representations of distasteful behaviour, from his Estate executors, Discovery Channel has dropped the showing of their documentary covering a re-enactment of Michael’s autopsy, using a model of Michael. The promo advertisement for the documentary, showed a body draped in white, on a gurney, wearing a single glittering white glove.

Michael’s fans were appalled, by the news that this documentary would be shown, and immediately began a campaign to stop the dreadful programme being aired.

At the same time, Michael’s executors wrote a strongly worded complaint to the Discovery Channel, expressing their distaste at the concept, and the distress it would cause to Michael’s children, his family and millions of his fans.

In an open letter sent to Discovery Communications on Wednesday, John Branca and John McClain of Michael’s estate, condemned the show as, “in shockingly bad taste,” and inspired only, “blind desire to exploit Michael’s death, while cynically attempting to dupe the public into believing this show will have serious medical value.”

Seldom has a documentary provoked such strong feelings of displeasure and repugnance; that the channel would even consider making such a documentary has caused many, many people to voice their contempt.

The Discovery Channel has announced that the documentary will be postponed indefinitely. We hope that this means that it will NEVER be shown.

We would also like to express our thanks and support, for all the fans who cared enough to make their voices heard and also to the Estate executors for their swift action, in making sure that Michael’s legacy would be protected.

Source: EW.com & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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