MJWN Est. 1998

Estate Forces iPhone Change

‘Plants vs. Zombies’ on iPhone is a game that was launched in 2009, depicting an image of Michael in his ‘Thriller’ outfit and as a dancing zombie. Michael’s Estate executors have now forced iPhone to remove this image as it was used without their permission.

A PopCap Games representative confirmed that the change, it’s now been made a disco theme instead, was brought on by lawyers representing Michael’s estate.
“The Estate of Michael Jackson objected to our use of the ‘dancing zombie’ in ‘Plants vs. Zombies ‘based on its view that the zombie too closely resembled Michael Jackson. After receiving this objection, PopCap made a business decision to retire the original ‘dancing zombie’ and replace it with a different ‘dancing zombie’ character for future builds of PLANTS vs.ZOMBIES on all platforms. The phase-out and replacement process is underway.”

Please be aware though that if you own a iPhone 4 and are updating to the latest version, the game will crash. Apparently the bug doesn’t affect new purchasers of the game on iPhone 4, just those updating. The representative confirmed that “a fix is in the works and should be ready soon.”

Source: MTV & MJWN

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