MJWN Est. 1998

Tucson MJ Impersonator

Arizona’s Cameron Knight, aged 22 is a Michael impersonator who has great make-up, costumes and even back-up dancers. Costumes for himself and his backup dancers, Garrett Wright and Addison Johnson, have cost more than $1,500 in the past month. His wardrobe includes some of Michael’s most memorable pieces, including the signature sparkling white glove and red military-style jacket.

“The rehearsal is a tough part of it,” Knight said. “(Michael) moved so fast and did so many intricate movements that I have to (study) two seconds of video for hours. I have to do it and get it into my body and make it look good, and then teach it to my dancers.”

Source: Dailywildcat & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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