MJWN Est. 1998

Fans Face Restrictions

As fans prepare to travel to the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn on Friday, June 25th, they will have to face restrictions to their access to the site. According to TMZ, officials are putting a number of conditions on anyone planning to attend the event.

A representative for Forest Lawn told TMZ that attendees will be allowed to enter the park on Friday, but, as expected, they will not be allowed anywhere near the mausoleum.

As for the special requests made by fans hoping to honor Michael’s memory, including the releasing of balloons or doves, or holding performances of Michael’s songs and dance routines, the representative said they too were mostly denied.

A spokesperson for the Glendale Police Department said that fans will not be allowed to camp out or park around Forest Lawn twenty-four hours in advance of the anniversary, and no street vendors can set up booths selling MJ merchandise near the cemetery.

Source: TMZ & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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