MJWN Est. 1998

PIX To Show ‘This Is It’

PIX, who is known for showing mainly old classic movies, is trying to re-invent itself by bringing in new movies to its playlist. Sunder Aaron, Senior Vice-President and Business Head of PIX, said; “The channel is evolving, and with that, there is a need to have a new appearance and bring a change in its wardrobe. While we started as a movie channel airing English Classics, we have moved to airing popular current blockbusters like ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and will be airing Michael Jackson’s ‘This is It’ this month.”

The film will be showing on June 25th and as part of special promotions for the film, the channel will also air Michael’s thirty minute ‘Thriller’ video too.

Source: exchange4media.com & MJWN

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