MJWN Est. 1998

Requested Equipment From AEG

Joe Jackson has filed a complaint against AEG with the California Medical Board which accuses the promoter of Michael’s ‘This Is It’ shows of engaging in the “unlawful practice of corporate medicine.”

The complaint actually states; “AEG hired, directed, controlled and demanded Dr. Conrad Murray, a medical doctor, to medicate Michael Jackson, provide Jackson with dangerous medical services, and to give Michael Jackson controlled substances and other drugs without providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment or nursing assistance as it had promised in writing it would provide.”

Documents obtained by the Associated Press show emails and a proposed contract detailing Dr. Conrad Murray’s negotiations with concert promoter AEG Live, which reveal the requests for a heart resuscitation unit and a medical assistant. These items were not available to Conrad Murray at the time of Michael’s death.

The cause of Michael’s death was “acute propofol intoxication”, which Dr. Murray admitted administering when he was alone. Propofol is extremely powerful and is usually administered only in medical settings with emergency equipment on hand. Patients are normally constantly monitored.

Conrad Murray’s request for the medical equipment and assistant were first made to a concert tour business manager, an email message shows.

The request was later mentioned in the doctor’s contract. The language stated AEG “shall provide Dr. Murray for his use during the term with medical equipment requested by Dr. Murray to assist him in performing the services as approved by (AEG).”

The equipment is described as a “portable cardio pulmonary resuscitation unit (‘CPR Machine’), saline, catheters, needles, a gurney and other mutually approved medical equipment necessary for the Services.”

The complaint also states Conrad Murray signed the document a day before Michael’s death.

If you would like to read the full article, please click here.

Source: AP & MJWN

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