MJWN Est. 1998

Elementary School Tribute

First and second graders at Glendale’s R.D. White Elementary School paid a tribute to Michael, performing for the rest of the school. They wore black paper fedoras with silver glitter and used hand gestures to illustrate the songs they sang, which were ‘Heal The World’ and ‘I’ll be There.’

“He was one of my favorite singers and I love watching his good moves,” said student Demitri Bedoian, “He inspired so many different artists.”

Demitri, a fourth-grader, performed in this year’s school talent show as Michael.

The student performers practiced their morning routine for a month before the showcase, first-grade teacher Scarlet Vartanian said the students decided to memorialise Michael by singing two songs during the school’s final flag ceremony of the school year, which ends Friday.

“We talked about the importance of Michael Jackson’s message for the world: love,” she said. “We also talked about how he worked very hard to make the world a better place by his songs and all his humanitarian actions during his life.” ‘Heal the World’ and ‘I’ll Be There’ were selected for the performance, Vartanian added because the lyrics best illustrated Michael’s message. “We wanted them to sing those two songs because it was about making the world a better place, and the second was about love and compassion,” she said.

Source: glendalenewspress.com & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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