MJWN Est. 1998

Murray Keeps His License

Conrad Murray, who was accused of administering a lethal dose of a strong anesthetic to Michael last year, will keep his California medical license for now, a Los Angeles judge ruled today.

L.A. Superior Court Judge Michael E. Pastor rejected a request by the state’s medical board to suspend his license to practice medicine. In his ruling, Pastor noted that another judge at Murray’s arraignment earlier this year restricted the physician’s use of the drug Propofol and other strong anesthetics as part of his bail conditions.

Pastor said the law did not allow him to change Murray’s bail terms unless there was a change in circumstances. He said nothing had changed since the arraignment. He also left open the possibility of reconsidering Murray’s bail, including whether he could practice medicine, after he hears testimony in the case at a later preliminary hearing. The Preliminary Hearing was set for July 23rd.

He said his ruling did not prevent the medical board from seeking to suspend Murray’s license at an administrative proceeding.

In court were members of the Jackson family, including Michael’s mother and father.

Source: LATimes & MJWN

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