MJWN Est. 1998

Murray’s California License

California’s medical board has again asked a judge to suspend the license of the doctor charged in Michael’s death.
The state attorney general’s office argued Monday that the current prohibition against Dr. Conrad Murray using anesthetics is insufficient.

“While the defendant asserts that he will not practice in California, there is no legal bar to him changing his mind and engaging in practice in this state,” the filing states.

It also argues; “it is not just his ‘prescribing’ practices that are in question, but his fundamental judgment and skill as a physician.”

Murray’s attorney Ed Chernoff said he will file a response to the court later this week.

Murray is due back in court Monday, June 14th. He has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael from the anesthetic Propofol and other drugs.

Murray’s medical license is likely to be the dominant issue of the hearing.

Source: AP & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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