MJWN Est. 1998

A True Humanitarian

In her book on the disasters facing the planet, Kim Day speaks of Michael’s songs and poems concerning the planet’s problems. In ‘Heal The World’ and ‘Earth Song’ and his poem ‘Planet Earth’ Michael attempts to call attention to the need for everyone to realise what they themselves can do to help

Also in her book which is called ‘Michael In Foreverland’, which we have mentioned previously, there is a poem called ‘Foreverland’ which speaks loudly for our earth and all of the animals that we share this fragile planet with. It truly shows what a difference someone like Michael made while he was on this earth.

Also in Kim’s book, in ‘A Society Gone Forever’, she mentions that; “we must wake up, we must wake up, before our fragile Planet is gone forever.” This depicts the end of mankind and all species due to the consequences of man’s actions where he did not walk quietly upon the earth – but walked harshly to destroy her.

For further information on Kim’s book, please click here.

Source: Kim Day & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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