MJWN Est. 1998

Neverland Lost

Henry Leutwyler was asked to photograph one of Michael’s famous gloves for a magazine commission. Instead he photographed so many of Michael’s private possessions that he has compiled them all into a book which he has called ‘Neverland Lost: A Portrait of Michael Jackson’ using about sixty pictures.

He was fascinated by the chaos surrounding Michael and likened his home to a Pharaoh’s pyramid, specially built to house all his possessions. “The Pharaohs were supposed to have built tombs to reveal their lives to future generations,” he says. “Michael Jackson sacrificed his childhood to singing and stardom. Neverland, later in his life, was the pyramid he constructed to that lost childhood. These are the artifacts of that lost childhood. We will never see the like of Michael Jackson today.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Source: timesonline & MJWN

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