MJWN Est. 1998

Michael Tribute Belt

Simon Tavassoli creator of Belts by Simon has designed and produced an elaborately ornate belt as a tribute to Michael. The belt, which is covered with crystals and shows scenes from his dance moves, will go on sale on Thursday at bbsimononline.com

It was specially commissioned and authorised by Katherine Jackson and endorsed by Joseph Jackson.

The first belt has been specially autographed by Prince, Paris and Blanket, together with Katherine and Joseph. The item will come with a Certificate of Authenticity and guarantee that this belt will be the only one of its kind. It will be auctioned for the Jackson Family Foundation, which intends to build a museum and cultural center In Gary Indiana.

The auction can be found by clicking here.

Howard Weitzman, a lawyer representing the estate, is adamant the belts have not been authorised and claims trustees oppose the sale of any merchandise which allegedly features the signature of Michael’s children. He told TMZ; “The Trustees of the Estate of Michael Jackson did not authorise the making or the sale of the Michael Jackson Tribute Belts. We would never condone the use of Michael’s children’s signatures to promote the sale of merchandise.”

Source: TMZ & MJWN with special thanks to Gloria (USA)

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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