MJWN Est. 1998

Xiao Bao Dances Like Michael

Ellen De Generes’ talk show hosted a segment showing an adorable tiny, four year old boy from China, Xiao Bao. He was wearing a remarkable costume similar to something Michael’s may have worn on stage, and he performed a dance to ‘Dangerous’.

Xiao claims to have started dancing before he was born. “Before I was even born, I would listen to music and dance in my mother’s womb,” he said. His mother added; “When he was a toddler, we played music to him and he started moving like this. But we did not think that he had such a strong passion for music. When he was just a couple of months old, we would let him listen to music and he would immediately stop crying and calm down.”

Source: CNN & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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