MJWN Est. 1998

Want To Join A FlashMob?

A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform something unusual for a brief time then quickly disperse.

If you would like to get involved in a Michael Jackson Tribute flash mob in Manchester City Centre on June 26th at 12 noon, get in touch with Barrie English. Barrie’s contact details are as follows:

Mobile: 07941 006506
Email: barrieenglish@btinternet.com
Web site: www.mjdanceclasses.webs.com via the contact us page
Michael Jackson Dance Classes at Sunshine Studios Manchester

All ages and abilities welcome, learn a Michael Jackson Dance Routine and perform for the public with a surprise performance in the street.

Good Luck!

Source: MJWN with special thanks to Barrie

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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