MJWN Est. 1998

A Million Trees for Michael

Joe Bagnall has contacted us to tell us about Trisha Franklin, a Michael fan who has come up with a wonderful idea for all fans who would like to repay Michael, in just a small way for all he ever gave to us. After seeing ‘This Is It’ she was so moved by his dedication to healing the world, she decided to contact the non-profit organization ‘American Trees’, which was founded in 1875, who for a small fee, will plant trees to create new forests all over the world in place of those being destroyed daily by development. The smallest donation is for fifteen trees, which at a dollar a tree, is hardly a significant amount. Trisha will not receive anything for herself for this work.

Trisha’s web site fully explains about the project and it can be found by clicking here.

We feel this is a very good idea and we would like to wish Trisha the best of luck of her project!

Source: Joe Bagnall & MJWN

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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