MJWN Est. 1998

Austria Fans Need Help

Fans in Austria have asked us to put a plea – They are starting a new web site and would like you to help with photographs. Please find below a message from Andreas.

“To all friends and fans of Michael Jackson:

We are a group of MJ-fans from Austria and we would like to ask for your help!

We are organizing fan parties in remembrance of Michael and we are donating the proceeds to charity – for instance the money goes to cancer kids in a hospital in Vienna. To organize, announce and remember these events we are going to set up a new website and we need some pictures of Michael for the page. But as you may know picture rights cost a lot and in many cases are not even identifiable.

So here is…what we would like to ask you for: Many of you have been on concerts or press conferences and many of you met Michael during shopping or something else. We would need any kind of picture material of Michael that you can send us and that you can give us the permission to use! These photographs must have been taken by yourself otherwise you don’t own the rights to share or use them – so don’t copy anything from the internet.

It would be great if you could help us to realize our charity project and your name would be listed on our homepage as the copyright owner of your pictures that will be included into the website design. The site will be posted here at MJWN, as soon as it goes online.

Help us to remember The King Of Pop and to simultaneously raise money for charity!
We are very thankful for any help that we get.

With L.O.V.E,
Andreas from Austria”

Please email any pictures that would like to share with Andreas to: andreas081@gmx.at

Source: MJWN

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Speed Demon
Speed Demon
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