MJWN Est. 1998

Michael’s New Album

Michael recorded a track for his album ‘Invincible’ with Lennie Kravitz, but didn’t use it as he thought it was “too rocky”. Now contactmusic are suggesting that producers are considering that same track as the best one to lead a new album from Michael’s unreleased recent back catalogue.

Lennie Kravitz has said it was amazing to work with Michael, his idol; “It was a blessing…I got to work with this cat and we had so much fun. We laughed all day long; he’s a funny, funny dude, and the work ethic was serious…We had a lot of respect for each other. It’s a beautiful memory.

It’s (song) really about how his life has been so incredible, and, without God, it wouldn’t be so.”

Source: Contactmusic & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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