MJWN Est. 1998

Anka’s Tribute To Michael

On Monday, February 22nd, Paul Anka played a concert in Vina Del Mar, Chile, South America. Whilst he was sat at his piano and spoke to the audience, telling them a story…

“Many years ago a young man came to my home. He was twenty-one years old and he said he wanted to write songs with me. We spent many weeks together in my studio writing, preparing for the album, but unfortunately we never got to do the project.

Recently this man died very tragically. They went to his home and they found this song in his drawer and they thought it was a new song and they got very excited and released it as part of a film. But they found out very quickly it was not a new song but one that I wrote with him many years ago.

We didn’t have any legal problems because in respect of him, I wanted things to be smooth, so I gave them permission to go ahead with the song that we wrote together. His name was Michael Jackson and this is it.”

Anka then began to sing ‘This Is It’ which was written originally as ‘I Never Heard’. The audience cheered as images of Michael flashed on screens and his voice was heard singing the song.

Source: accesshowbiz.com & MJWN

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