MJWN Est. 1998

Wesley Snipes Backs Tribute

Wesley Snipes appeared with Michael in the iconic short film ‘Bad’ hich was shot in a Brooklyn subway station, Hoyt Schermerhorn.

New York City bosses are considering erecting a tribute to Michael there and the plan is being supported by Wesley Snipes, the actor who filmed the short film with Michael and director Martin Scorsese. Wesley thinks it would be a worthy honour and still remembers the lessons he learned from Michael, even though many years have passed since the filming took place. Snipes said; “The amazing thing is I was only supposed to be on the project for about three days and it turned out to be three and a half weeks; almost a month of filming.

The thing I took from it the most was watching Michael Jackson perform at performance level in his rehearsals. I said, ‘Wow that’s the consummate artist right there. That’s the pinnacle of where I would like to go and the skills that I would like to have as an artist; where I could come in and my rehearsals are performances.’ I took that from him and that’s what I’ve been trying to be persistent with in my work as well.”

Source: Contactmusic & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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