MJWN Est. 1998

Mrs Jackson Approves Executors

At the L.A. Superior Court today, Katherine Jackson withdrew her objections to John Branca and John McClain acting as executors of Michael’s will. Her new probate attorney, Adam Streisand, made the surprise announcement, adding that she thought it was now time to end the legal battle and she now believes that their appointment will “enhance the legacy of Michael Jackson in the best interests of his children.”

At the same hearing Joseph Jackson’s attorney, Brian Oxman, filed papers with eleven objections to the executors, and the validity of Michael’s will. Adam Streisand put it to Judge Beckloff that Joseph Jackson had no legal standing to object to either the executors or the validity of the will and is not named as a beneficiary in the will.

Lawyers for the estate were ordered to return to court later in the day to argue the matters.

On returning to the court, Judge Beckloff said that Joe Jackson had no legal standing to make any objections. He also indicated that the way is now clear to appoint John Branca and John McClain as co-executors of Michael’s estate.

Source: TMZ & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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