MJWN Est. 1998

La Toya’s Interview with 20/20

La Toya Jackson has been interviewed by ABC’s 20/20 show. During the interview she described how Michael was dressed and in full make up as he was buried. She said he looked “absolutely fabulous!” and that his face had full make-up, which had been done beautifully. “He was dressed in all white pearl beads going across, draped across. A beautiful big gold belt. Like…a belt that you win being a boxer,” she added.

During the emotional interview La Toya also revealed that members of the family had placed items in Michael’s gold casket when he was finally buried last week and that Paris had put stones on her father’s chest, while other items buried with Michael included his sunglasses and famous white glove.

Source: Entertainment Wise & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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