MJWN Est. 1998

Visual Documentary Review

Adrian Grant has been a close friend of Michael for many years, through thick and thin and he has produced three books on Michael ‘Live & Dangerous’, ‘Making History’ & Michael Jackson – The Visual Documentary.

The first Visual Documentary was published in 1994 and has been updated over the years. The latest version, which has just been released, has been reviewed by Donald Gibson of BC Books.

Gibson has used words like “a feast for fans”, “…meticulous (sometimes day-to-day) detail”, and “…serves as the benchmark resource on Jackson to date.”

The reviewer’s final comment sums up the entire book very well.

“Barring the eventual publication of an authoritative biography in more narrative form, Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary, is at this point the most definitive chronicle of the late superstar’s life and career published anywhere.”

The read the complete review please click here.

Well done Adrian!

Source: BCBooks & MJWN

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Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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