MJWN Est. 1998

Staunton’s Children’s Party

Kia Brent, the Unit Director of the Boys And Girls Club Of Staunton has spoken of the love Michael had for children, and the love children had for him. With that in mind, the club arranged a pool party and a look-a-like show with Michael’s music at Gypsy Hill Park, so that they all had something to remember him by.

The Staunton Boys and Girls Club helps about eighty children a year. The idea for the pool party fundraiser came about because the children were upset about Michael’s death. They played his music for them and they didn’t want the organisers turn it off.

A spokesperson for the Boys and Girls Club said they were not sure how much money was raised Saturday night but that every little bit helps. Kia added she hopes Michael’s memory will help a few kids have school supplies this year.

Source: WHSV & MJWN with special thanks to Bonnie

Song of the week

Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow
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