MJWN Est. 1998

Thriller Still Thrills!

An article published in Canada’s Seattle Times newspaper discusses the ongoing fame of Michael’s most famous short film ‘Thriller’. In the article they speak of the various websites set up to show the world just how popular this film was and is and the variety of nationalities, ages, and life styles of people who enjoy this musical experience. – It just goes to prove that Michael is truly the most famous megastar in the world!

To read the full article click here.

It has been twenty-four years since ‘Thriller’ was first released and it is still copied by people from all walks of life. It is also to establish records in the prestigious Guinness Book Of World Records for example; the most people to perform ‘Thriller’ simultaneously, so surely this must make Michael one of their most prolific honourees!

Source: Seattle Times & MJWN

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