MJWN Est. 1998

Jacksons Memorabilia Auction Starts Today

The sale of Jackson family memorabilia will begin today at the Hard Rock Resort Hotel in Las Vegas, and bids for thousands of items are expected from every corner of the world.

The items where seized as part of a bankruptcy settlement when a Jackson family business failed.

Michael and his sister Janet tried to recover their belongings, and Michael even sued for recovery last week. The case however was settled out of court.

The memorabilia has been insured for one hundred million dollars and ten percent of the proceeds are to be shared between five children’s charities in America. Universal Express, who are auctioning the items, have also been encouraging celebrities associated with those charities to act as auctioneers, hoping to increase the bidding.

The sale is expected to last for two days.

Source: Associated Press & MJWN

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