MJWN Est. 1998

One Rose For Michael

‘The One Rose for Michael J. Jackson 2013’ is now Open!

‘One Rose for Michael J. Jackson,’ is very pleased & proud to announce the opening of the rose event for June 25th 2013. This has been a beautiful centerpiece at Forest Lawn, from the very first year in 2010, and has grown into a sea of red roses, lining the pathway to Holly Terrace, in a blanket of roses of love. Each rose represents a fan, showing their love for Michael …and each year roses are sent from all around the world honoring Michael & thanking him for all the treasures he created and left to all of us. He is truly missed everyday, but we all carry him in our hearts always. Let’s show him our love & thanks this day with a rose … It’s all for LOVE ♥

A Paypal account has been set up by ‘One Rose for Michael J. Jackson.’ To purchase your roses for this year’s June 25th anniversary, send your money via Paypal to: onerose4mjj@gmail.com

The price is $3.00 per long stem Freedom Red Rose ♥

PLEASE NOTE: Like last year the calculated cost per rose includes fees, money conversions, trucking costs, taxes and other costs. Once the mentioned fees are deducted, any left-over balance will go towards the purchase of more roses.
We will again this year pay the love forward in Michael’s name, donating the roses on June 26th to less fortunate people, bringing them joy and love, also included in this we will be bringing buckets of roses to Bablyland and Lulabyeland at Forest lawn as we did last year…. Michael will again be smiling down on us for continuing his message of love.
Thank you all for your love and support.

One Rose for Michael J. Jackson

Footage from last year’s sea of roses at Holly Terrace.

Source: MJWN, with special thanks to Betty

Song of the week

Dirty Diana
Dirty Diana
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