MJWN Est. 1998

Twinkle For Michael

“MJTurkFan, is the oldest and biggest Michael Turkish Fans Group. We lost the most brilliant star of all time. We have sent him to paradise, and now, the world is no longer a bright place. He left us in the dark.

On August 29 to be without him will feel like torture, so we have to support each other. The Turkish fans will celebrate him with twinkles. We are asking for the participation of all the fans around the world. To salute Michael, all of us will turn on and off the lights, in the night of August 29th, at 9 p.m. local time for about one minute. If all countries do it in their countries at the same the whole world will be winking to Michael.

We will celebrate and thank Michael this way. The world will never forget Michael. What about you? Will you join us? Please, tell everyone you know about this event. And share with us your ideas about this.

Much Love,


Source: MJWN

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Come Together
Come Together
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